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The mystical world of sounds

Igal aastaajal
helide maailm

The very special orientation game!

The mystical world of sound is a fun and easy out door adventure game. In order to win the game you have to listen carefully. This game would be a great alternative for those teams who are not that much into running and quizzes. This game is a good choice as well when there is more than one language spoken in the group. You have never played anything similar to this game before!

According to the game legend there have been radio scanners found in a hidden chamber of the Glehn Castle, which used to belong to a secret scientists group. Those mysterious devices can pick up some special sounds in any part of Estonia. Many conspiracy theorists have tried to track down the mystery of these sounds. However, they haven’t manage it yet, the mystery still needs to be solved.

Now it is your chance to come and listen these mystical sounds. Test your team and find out who is the expert and will be able to understands these sounds!

Easy and fun!

Those mystical sounds that we are looking for can be heard only using a specific device. It is like an upgraded reality – you walk on the field and hear the sounds from different time periods. People hear and understand the sounds differently. Therefore, good work devision and ability to find concensus in the group are essential in this game. Wait-wait, what sound was it? A squeak of the door or a crack of the cabbage leaf? A running dog or a wolf? Some of you can easily recognise the sound of cordless drill while someone else will recognise the click of computer mouse. You will divide the roles in the team, some will be listeners, others will plan the route and some of you will write down the sounds that your team recognized. Efficient teamwork is necessary in order to succeed in this game.

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How to play the team building game – The mystic world of sounds?

The group will be divided into small teams. Each team will get the headsets, a map and other needed props. You will walk according to the map and mark down the sounds that you have recognized.  Some sounds may overlap, some sounds may need more communications to find out the source where it comes from. The team that will recognise the most sounds will win the game!

A grand finale – fun and full of surprises

The funniest part of the game is the conclusion. At the end of the game we will go through all the sounds. Believe us – you will be surprised!

It is possible to play in rural areas in all languages and at any time of a year

In this game there are no written questions. Mystical sounds are the same in each language – you can play this game even if there are different languages spoken in your group. Everybody have the equal opprtunity to win the game and it does not depend on the language of the players.

  •  The group size 10-120
  •  Language: EST, ENG, RUS, FIN. It is possible to order the game also in any other languages.
  •  We will provide all the equipment and prize for the winner team
  • The game lasts 2,5hours in total – including explanations and conclusions.
  •  The active sound scanning part on the field lasts 1,5hours. Teams will walk around 2-3 km in slow speed.
  • Solving the mystery in dark is more fun. But be aware, the dark forrest might be creepy for some people.
  • The best place to play this came is country side – the nature around the Guest Houses. The game is not suitable for city streets. However, in Tallinn you can play this game in the forests around Nõmme Sports centre and at Rocca al Mare open air museum.

Ask advice and order the game!

 © The copyright of the Mystical World of Sound belongs to Adventure company 360 KRAADI .  Created in 2018. Idea: Alar


Group size                      Price per person
12 – 30 participants                 33 €
31 – 60 participants                 28 €
61 – 90 participants                 22 €
91 – 120 participants               19 €

22% VAT will be added to the price

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