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Excitement and thrill!

Traffic is a new gripping strategy game that involves all team members! The challenges are so exciting in this game that even the most impatient participants start to analyse out of their own free will, just to gain maximum results for the team. The entire activity engrosses the participants to no end!

An indoor team game that involves everyone

The game is intended for improving teamwork at indoor events. All participants are involved in the game – either you’re involved in developing strategic moves or are the person who presents the solutions with team members on the board. Negotiation skills are also honed, because you may end up in situations where you need to “borrow” players from other teams. The entire activity is fast-paced and thrilling!

How does the game work?

In short, it’s a team game where each team member plays a very important role in achieving results. In Traffic, strategies of varying difficulty must be figured out with the team and then presented live. And the time limit ups the stakes! When the team has selected a suitably difficult task, found a solution and divided up the roles, then they have to act it out on a large, 4 x 4 m game board within a limited time.

You need to figure out with the team, in which order to “rescue” colleagues. Then you have to correctly show the solution on the board. The greater the challenge you choose, the more points you may be able to earn. Each team decides for themselves whether to spend more time and solve harder cases, or play through more easy situations in the same time period of time. The team that collects the most points wins the game.

A Traffic game never slows down and time flies without noticing! It develops thinking together, rapid joint action, mutual acknowledgement, and the feeling of being in a team.

Where can Traffic be played?

The game is playable indoors, anywhere that easily fits the whole team and with at least 4 x 4 m of free floor space. Träffik is a great teamwork game after seminars, because it drives up the energy levels of a team even after a tiring day.

Träffik meeskonnamäng siseruumides  meeskonnamang siseruumides5  Meeskonnamäng siseruumides ettevõtte gruppideole

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For additional information or to order the event, contact:


Group size                   Price per person

12 – 30 participants             33 €
31 – 60 participants             28 €
61 – 90 participants             22 €
91 – 120 participants            19 €

22% VAT will be added to the price

Osalejate muljed

Kristiina Eha
Markus Nisula
Kelly Vainlo
Endla Mitt