Mobile Exit Room

During the walk in the forest with your friends you find a summer cottage on the wheels. Open door attracts your attention and suddenly you find yourself in stranger’s private property.
Quick look over the room refers that the owner of the place deals with some creepy things. You are heading to exit, but suddenly the door closes and the lights go off.
You find your way to the window. Removing the blinds from the window gives some light into the room. At the same time you notice that the owner has arrived back home.
Having murderous owner outside, gives you only one thought – you have to escape and fast! The door handle brakes when you are trying to open the door for a runaway.
Instead of coming in, the owner starts to chop woods in front of the cottage. But you can also notice that this job will occupy him only for a half an hour, because there are not too many woods to chop.
You have 30 tense minutes to find connections between complicated hints and to open the door. Everything has to happen in total silence – remember, creepy owner is working just outside the window!
Where Exit Room can be suitable?
Exit Room suits the best together with other adventurous activities or as the main activity for the smaller events. It matches especially with Discgolf or Rube Goldberg‘s machine development, because then you can do different activities by turns. Or you can take Exit Room for one big event as an attraction which continuous all day long.
How to escape from Exit Room?
In the room there will be 2-5 people at a time. You have only 30 minutes to escape. Your team needs to solve different mysteries and find the exit from the room!
When it is possible to play?
All year round, except especially cold and snowy weather.
What is Exit Room, Room Escape, Adventure Room?
Mobile Exit Room is one of the most popular game format – Escape Room, further development. The aim of the Exit Room is to find the way out within the limited time frame. „Summer Cottage“ is a mobile Exit Room, to which we have added virtually external environment.
Up to 5 hours 720€
Up to 8 hours 840€
Exit Room can be run up to 10h and maximum 100 people can have this experience during that time.
22% VAT will be added to the price.
Osalejate muljed
We all loved it! So fun, and a very good team building activity! Thank you so much!!!