
New Estonian national sport
Did you know that it is possible to play golf all over the Estonia, at any time? And we are not speaking about minigolf. We mean the golf which biggest value is to have a thoughtful walk in the nature. It gives a possibility to add a bit of a competition to a great company. An activity which is striving for new Estonian national sport can be played also in darkness with luminous discs and lighted baskets! Which is even more awesome than during the daylight!
The track of discgolf can be set up next to almost every Holiday Resort. One of the differences with classical golf is the equipment – for playing we use flying discs. It is easy, you can start playing without any specific preparation.
The aim of the game is to reach the finish basket with as little amount of throws as possible. Each track has marked starting point and finish point. At the beginning we will provide the map of the track which you are going to follow. In standart version there are 8 tracks. One track length can be from 50 to 500 meters. Usually during the whole game players will pass from 1 to 2 kilometers.
Disc golf track can be opened all day long. In single play we start game in small groups of 4-5 people. Everyone gets one throwing disc. Group gets point card and brief summary of the rules. Every participant plays for himself and others can control how points are given, based on fair play principle.
When the first group finishes the first track then next group can start to play. It takes approximately one hour to finish the game for each player (depends from the field and track). It is possible to modify the game for trial of strength between the group members.
We will prepare track with 8 baskets, different discs for participants, provide instructor and award for the best player. During the dark period night equipment – LED headlights, glowing disks, lighted baskets are provided.
To order Discgolf contact Alfred
phone: +372 53473441
e-mail: alfred@360.ee
3 to 6 hours 470€
till 8 hours 617€
22% VAT will be added to the price.
If this event is combined with one of our other advetures, 15% discount is provided.
For example: to start event with the adventure game and continue with the disc golf.