Green Steps – NEW

The world keeps getting warmer!
Now is the time to make your contribution! In this game, you have the opportunity to start taking green steps to reduce your CO2 footprint.
Did you know that a modern family releases an average of 27 tons of CO2 into the air with his activities? That’s 27,000 kg! At the beginning of the game, each team has one year’s worth of CO2 on their account, which they can start reducing immediately. During the activity, you will also learn more about the biological diversity that surrounds us.
The goal is to become as carbon neutral as possible by the end of the game, while taking the right steps and making the right decisions. At the same time, the game makes the participants think about how much our daily activities affect the environment around us.
You can make the world a better place with small steps… green steps.
We customize the game according to your needs.
- We’ll organize the game in the location that suits best for you.
- We can integrate your company-specific content into the game to make the game more personal.
- We respond with very short notice.
How the game works?
Participants will see a map of the surrounding area with the locations they need to reach. Each location has one task to solve, the difficulty level of which is indicated by the color of the location. By choosing harder tasks, you have to solve fewer tasks but take more steps to reduce your CO2. For easier tasks, you have to move less, but then you may not have enough time to reach your goal.
Therefore, a strategy must be put in place and action taken.
If you are interested in the game or want more information, write to or call 56632979
Group size Price per participant
12 – 30 pax 33 €
31 – 60 pax 28 €
61 – 90 pax 22 €
91 – 120 pax 19 €
More than 120 pax 17 €
For larger groups, the price is negotiable.
22% VAT will be added to the price.